
Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.

CASE 1 (2008)

Hi-Def Body Sculpting

Name : Deepa S

Age : 28 yrs, Ht: 151cms Wt: 65kgs, BMI : 32

Background : Graduate, daughter of a Judge in Mysore from a humble higher middle class family. Mother’s initiative to seek the correction of her body shape as it became a hurdle to the prospects of getting the marriage proposals.

Problem :

Treatment : Body contouring with VASER Liposelection of Back, Hips, Thighs legs & arms.

CASE 2 (2010)

Hi-Def Body Sculpting

Name : xxxx

A Round tabler. Way back in 2010, He Spent 7.5L for Size Zero Body to fit into Armani T Shirt -medium size and then finished it with getting a FACE-NECK Definition.

Age: 39

Background : A leading business man from Kerala with branches in Bangalore, Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad and also in Dubai.

Problem : The young entrepreneur wanted to trim down his belly, chest, back etc and become thin to fit into Armani T-Shirt (M) and increase the confidence level.

Treatment : Size Zero Body & FACE – NECK Definition

Mr B was so happy to introduce so many clients, including his own wife, to DrGVG. He says, I got that much faith on Dr Gunasekar which made me to just hand over his VC to his wife and asked to visit him for her aesthetic needs. His referrals include few cine artists from Malayalam Film industry.


Name: VJ

Age: 53 yrs

Background : A popular Fashion Designer in her 40s.

Began her journey with GVG @ 53…but what was in surprise for both her and to GVG was she went on to contest and WINNING the Titles

“Mrs Karnataka” > ”Mrs India” >> Mrs Globe Classic Best speaker and top 5 finalist”.

Problem: Post pregnancy stretch marks, lower tummy loose skin, undefined buttucks, saggy arms

Treatment : HD Body with Tummy Tuck, Sculpted Abs and lower back with Fat Transfer to Augment her Bottom and positive contours for her Hips.

VJ said during consultation, “ hated myself while looking on my tummy and finally realised that only long term solution is tummy tuck and googled to find out a suitable place to do the procedure and ultimately found DrGVG”. After the procedure, now she is feeling happy and confident and she went upto the extent of saying that I look like a 22 year girl and thankful to the excellent team of DrGVG.


Name: SB

Age: 52yrs

Background: Fitness Personal trainer for few public figures.

Treatment: Six Pack Abs & Sculpting lower back for V shaped Trunk.


Name: Bdra

Age: 17 Yrs

Background: College student from Assam.

Problem: Severely affected self image due to unilateral (one sided.)

Treatment: Gynaecomastia – Keyhole VASER Lipo to equalise the both sides of the chest to make him look normal which made him remark.

“God (Nature) made me defective and you made me normal (like anybody-else), Now my life begins, Thank you!!”.



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