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Name: Mr KM (Client didnt consent revealing his name)

Age: 28

Problem : Grade 4 male pattern baldness

Experience: A Young Engineer graduate currently working in USA, ….Parents and himself were keen to see him married and settled,…… he was getting very uncomfortable to dating/socialising to explore to find a life partner due to visible scalp at such an young age. gradually gave up the idea of finding the life partner and became an overtly an introvert. .. But mother took notice of this and also took control of the situation and address the root cause for deprived self confidence and chose DrGVG for his Hair Transplant. To begin with, She made the research in the internet to find all the options available to deal with baldness and chose Hair transplant as the best option.

His entire family, especially his Mother assisted through the entire process of his transformation from the first contacting the DrGVG’s Hair transplant Clinic till he was fully satisfied the volume and density of hair during his two visits from US.

The 1ast visit for his 1st HT for the frontal area in Dec 2015. the 2nd visit was 9months later for his Engagement and the HT for his Crown preparing himself for his big day in Feb 2017

Treatment: Hair transplant of 3700 grafts in 2 sittings 6 months (2000 grafts) apart & complimented by PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma)

After procedure: frontal Head full of hair and the confidence, Happily Engaged, eagerly waiting Married & settled with family in US.

Essence of the CASE : An understanding family member can make a world of difference to the family members who are stuck or suffering silently.



Age: 46

Problem: Grade 4 male pattern baldness


Complete man with incomplete hairline from a lower socio economic background, but highly ambitious was fond of Acting & dreaming a Film direction career. He had planned it meticulously and managed to acquaint with even Dr Rajkumar in his early twenties and just made entry into Kannada film industry. Guess what, his dreams were dashed very soon from unexpected corner. ….?!.. when he found himself losing hair when he needed it the most. soon he lost confidence and opportunities 10 yrs ago due to the onset baldness ruining his career and aspirations…. But he never gave up, tried for some years with Wigs, Hair pieces/weaving etc., still didn’t get the confidence needed…eventually became a car driver in TOYOTA company for his living while keeping his dreams alive……. one fine day he found Dr Gunasekar Vuppalapati @ DrGVG Aesthetic clinics for his Hair transplant,, since then nothing could stop from regrowing his hair to make a big comeback to film industry.

Treatment: microGRAFT FUE Hair transplant – 3 smaller sittings (due to affordability issues)

After procedure: Successful entry into Sandalwood with acting & completed director of 2 Kannada short films. Now he is a rising star in Kannada film industry as a well recognised Director with 2 feature films in production.

Essence of the CASE : “The Hair, Looks & Confidence made all the difference.”


CASE 1 (2008)

Hi-Def Body Sculpting

Name : Deepa S

Age : 28 yrs, Ht: 151cms Wt: 65kgs, BMI : 32

Background : Graduate, daughter of a Judge in Mysore from a humble higher middle class family. Mother’s initiative to seek the correction of her body shape as it became a hurdle to the prospects of getting the marriage proposals.

Problem :

Treatment : Body contouring with VASER Liposelection of Back, Hips, Thighs legs & arms.

CASE 2 (2010)

Hi-Def Body Sculpting

Name : xxxx

A Round tabler. Way back in 2010, He Spent 7.5L for Size Zero Body to fit into Armani T Shirt -medium size and then finished it with getting a FACE-NECK Definition.

Age: 39

Background : A leading business man from Kerala with branches in Bangalore, Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad and also in Dubai.

Problem : The young entrepreneur wanted to trim down his belly, chest, back etc and become thin to fit into Armani T-Shirt (M) and increase the confidence level.

Treatment : Size Zero Body & FACE – NECK Definition

Mr B was so happy to introduce so many clients, including his own wife, to DrGVG. He says, I got that much faith on Dr Gunasekar which made me to just hand over his VC to his wife and asked to visit him for her aesthetic needs. His referrals include few cine artists from Malayalam Film industry.


Name: VJ

Age: 53 yrs

Background : A popular Fashion Designer in her 40s.

Began her journey with GVG @ 53…but what was in surprise for both her and to GVG was she went on to contest and WINNING the Titles

“Mrs Karnataka” > ”Mrs India” >> Mrs Globe Classic Best speaker and top 5 finalist”.

Problem: Post pregnancy stretch marks, lower tummy loose skin, undefined buttucks, saggy arms

Treatment : HD Body with Tummy Tuck, Sculpted Abs and lower back with Fat Transfer to Augment her Bottom and positive contours for her Hips.

VJ said during consultation, “ hated myself while looking on my tummy and finally realised that only long term solution is tummy tuck and googled to find out a suitable place to do the procedure and ultimately found DrGVG”. After the procedure, now she is feeling happy and confident and she went upto the extent of saying that I look like a 22 year girl and thankful to the excellent team of DrGVG.


Name: SB

Age: 52yrs

Background: Fitness Personal trainer for few public figures.

Treatment: Six Pack Abs & Sculpting lower back for V shaped Trunk.


Name: Bdra

Age: 17 Yrs

Background: College student from Assam.

Problem: Severely affected self image due to unilateral (one sided.)

Treatment: Gynaecomastia – Keyhole VASER Lipo to equalise the both sides of the chest to make him look normal which made him remark.

“God (Nature) made me defective and you made me normal (like anybody-else), Now my life begins, Thank you!!”.


Aesthetic & Anti-Aging makeover of FACE


Name: Mrs PH

Age: 49

Problems: Droopy eyebrows, cheeks, wrinkles, saggy neck with double chin

Experience: A House wife, doing lots of social service as an active Lioness on behalf of Lions club, gradually with aging signs creepin in her apprehensions about her looking aged became very apparent lately and her husband indicated this as a concern, avoiding her in the social gatherings and so on. She could not accept this situation beyond a point and chose to reclaim her youth and looks to make a come back in social life. after having tried several clinics in this endevour finally efforts ended in DrGVG Aesthetic Clinics. The team of Aesthetic medical practitioners headed by Dr Gunasekar Vuppalapati provided a comprehensive consultations and aesthetic and anti aging treatments to ensure she is finally happy, confident by restoring her Aesthetic, mental and social well being.

Treatment: Endoscopic KEYHOLE brow lift, mid face lift, Ultrapulse Fractional CO2 LASER , Botox/Fillers & Vaser Liposculpting of Face & Neck

After procedure: Happy with family life, Husband proud of her to be accompanied to gatherings and busy with social service, looking younger and prettier

Essence of the CASE : Sometimes, we may be physically well with no illnesses but we are considered healthy only when we have Physical, Mental and social wellbeing not merely absence of any disease. So, Mrs PH realised her mental wellbeing was affected as result of marital discord due to her premature aging looks which in turn affected her Social wellbeing. Essence is the Aesthetic wellbeing place an important role in keeping healthy in the modern society

Facial Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Makeover


Name: Mrs SJ

Age: 69

Problem: Saggy cheeks, chin & neck

EXPERIENCE: a Business woman of 4 children, living in TRINIDAD , West Indies with indian connections planned to look younger and prettier for her 70th birthday.

Treatment: Endoscopic mid face lift, jaw line correction & neck lift, thigh lift

After procedure: Happily celebrated her 70th birthday in TRINIDAD with her friends and relatives who have come from around the world. She claimed that she was showered with unprecedented compliments for her awesome Anti Aging Miracle.

Essence of the CASE: Age is no bar to look younger as long as you keep your physical, Mental and social well being. India is an emerging medical tourist destination since a decade, now more visit for a month or so and return to their home country younger, bold and beautiful.


Name: Ims

Age: 29 yrs

Background: A cabin crew member in domestic airline, wanted to join International flight. Now working in film industry.

Problem: Excess skin and fat in upper eyelid; asymmetrical eye brow, unhappy with size and shape of nose, small chin and undefined jawline, chubby cheeks, totally a square face

Treatment: Rhinoplasty, Jaw line correction, Vaser Lower face,& neck, lip augmentation, Endoscopic brow lift, Blepharoplasty, Chin augmentation.

Ims says that she got confident to appear for the interview with International airline company only after the makeover at DrGVG. She appeared well and got selected. Gradually she has left the flying job and landed in the film industry. Now she is an upcoming Kannada Star and playing lead roles with prominent heros. I am totally transformed to a beautiful actress with all aesthetic features and I am thankful to Dr Gunasekar Vuppalapati and his team.



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